Get to Know MD1
Imagine you suddenly become ill or injured while on a trip and need to travel to a hospital that can treat you or back to your home. And the only way to get there is to fly on a plane that offers medical monitoring and equipment. Unfortunately, this happens to many people every day. This can be very complicated and expensive
The MD1 team is an international group who has expertise in the medical flight industry. We created a nonprofit to pay for those in need of transportation on a medical flight. Based on donations into our nonprofit we pay for as much of the medical transportation as possible. We focus on providing free medical plane transportation without asking for any reimbursement or donations from those in need. MD1s focus is on patients who require assistance due to overwhelming medical and financial needs:
1. Patients with a chronic or terminal illness who need specialize care at a medical facility
2. Patients who need an organ transplant and need to be flown to a center to receive the transplant
3. Patients who have a sudden traumatic illness and need to be flown to a center to take care of their injuries.
We specifically attempt to fund the needs of children and their families.
Accredited medical planes with flight physicians, nurses and paramedics are in very limited supply in the world and the expense of transferring patients is often over 7000 dollars per hour of travel. All over the world charitable endeavors such as Gofundme are initiated to pay for these expenses which typically must be paid up front.
Insurance companies may not pay for flight transportation expenses unlike care in the hospital. When insurance companies do pay, it may only be a very small amount and they often want to dictate which hospital you get transported to.
We partner with healthcare systems and corporations to provide seamless medical plane transportation around the globe using donations from generous organizations. We are the largest group of flight physicians in the world.
Please contact us for more information or discuss ways to donate to this important cause.
Number of Lives Saved by
Your Support and MD1
Our team of MD1 Docs are proud to bring life-saving care to the site of emergencies. When transport to the nearest emergency room is hindered, MD1 brings the emergency room to the patient in need.